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Stuffed with Page Turners

Creative magazines making content to follow

No matter how digital the world becomes, I think my first love will always be print. I understand the need for less paper and am for anything that helps heal our planet. But, every once in a while, I treat myself with a single issue or subscription to a print pub. There’s something so beautiful about the tactile nature of it and the joy of turning the page to reveal what’s next that is lost on the scroll. Yes, I absolutely subscribe to digital pubs and follow plenty of incredible feeds, but some appreciation should be paid to a list of print mags stuffing my mailbox with the good stuff and giving us all a break from the dreaded doom scroll. AND if you would rather have a happy surprise delivered to your inbox rather than your mailbox, digital versions and inspo newsletters are available for all these pubs.

Enjoy! And if you think I’ve left something out here, please share! Dm us @harthousecreative on Instagram.

1. Whalebone: Subscribe here This magazine is just cool. The tone of voice has got a bit of an edge but in a really entertaining way that speaks to the cynical designer that whispers to you in the depths of your brain. Art is fresh, and I look forward to receiving their newsletter as well. Plus, it’s only $5 for each issue!

2. Juxtapoz Subscribe here A new addition to my coffee table. Juxtapoz magazine presents a gallery of underground artists who influence much of the fashion, graphics, and new art we see today, and its readers are the tastemakers who discern the newest cultural trends.

3. Communication Arts Subscribe here I’ve subscribed to this one off and on for years. It’s almost cliché to put it on the list, but it’s a classic. Their back issues are really fun to go through as well if you have the time to peek through their online archives once you are a subscriber.

4. Riposte Subscribe here Where my ladies at?! I love that this magazine features women breaking boundaries and doing great things. Plus, the magazine’s design is so fresh, clean, and calming to go through. It was an easy addition to this list.

5. Positive News Subscribe here Says it in the title. And as the mag says, “Break the bad news habit.” Or at least break it up with some good. Real stories about real people doing really good things all wrapped up in a designy bow.

Honorable Mentions go to a few I haven’t personally had delivered to my office but have come highly recommended to me or are on my radar for a future order.

2. Eye

4. 3x3


This one isn’t a mag, but I absolutely adore this artist and he just released a graphic novel that is bringing me quite a bit of joy. So, I thought I’d show him some love here.

Title: I Always Think It’s Forever

By: Timothy Goodman


Author/Editor: Jennifer Hart More inspiration, know-how, and creative collabs to come in our upcoming squeeze selections. Get your creative juices flowing with us! Subscribe now.

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Hart House Creative Team

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Know an inspiring maker? Dm, us @harthousecreative on Instagram for a possible feature, and give us a follow while you're there to fill your feed with positive design and art vibes.

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Las Vegas / Philadelphia

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