A few Instagram accounts filling their feeds with top-notch design inspiration. Thank you for sharing a bright and meaningful piece of your world with us all!
Surface pattern designer | Illustrator
@mercedes.tabish Custom designs, murals, tattoos, apparel, and prints.
@ovastudioz 📸 Any creative shots
Into the Woods
Summer is a great season to travel! So, we beat the Vegas heat for a weekend to witness a wonderful couple get married (Congrats Kaylee and James!) in our northern Nevada counterpart. Besides being inspired by love, the biggest little city treated Tim (my fiancé) and me to a whole lot beauty in the trees at South Lake Tahoe, on the streets of downtown Reno, and behind the doors of the Nevada Art Museum. Both stops filled our bellies with good food and filled our souls with good vibes. Short and sweet–The pictures say it all–Peruse to amuse.
South Lake Tahoe
Reno, Nevada
We’ll be back little-big town. Meet you in the trees.
Author/Editor: Jennifer Hart
More inspiration to come in next month's squeeze selections. Get your creative juices flowing with us! To learn more about brands we've worked with follow @harthousecreative on Instagram or check out the testimonials on our site. Keep creating Hartists!
Hart House Creative Team Know an inspiring maker? Dm, us @harthousecreative on Instagram for a possible feature, and give us a follow while you're there to fill your feed with positive design and art vibes.
JULY 2022